Discovering the wonderful world of the sea in the swimming pool

By Team BEL, Kristine, Eva & Linde

Pool (shallow)
Teaching style:
Directive (teacher centered),Explorative (child centered)
Related aquatic skills:
Submersion,Belly/back propulsion,Treading,Floating,Rotation
Duration (min.):
Group size:
Small group (<10),Big group (>10)
Task design:


I KNOW: I know different elements (e.g. waves, plants, darkness) to create a simulated outdoor water environment in the swimming pool.
I CAN: I can perform basic aquatic skills in an environment that has (some) similarities with the open water context (~ waves, plants, darkness, …) and I can also co-create such a simulated environment for peers.
I FEEL: I can express my feelings after experiencing different elements of a simulated outdoor water environment.

Success criteria

Creating group: Children can co-create simulated unsteady water condition for peers.

Performing group: Children can perform basic aquatic skills in different (combinations of) simulated outdoor conditions.

All, both groups: Children can reflect about their experiences of the tasks and can express their feelings.


Swimming pool, in shoulder deep water:


Outdoor elements:

Waves: Making waves: (a) 2 rows of at least 2 children, moving vertical kick boards all together, (b) in a circle making group-whirlpool by running in a circle
Plants/seaweed/jellyfish/other fish: fake plants, fake jellyfish (aquarium); scarf as plants/ seaweed; be creative…
Darkness: Goggles made dark/blindfold (1 goggle for each child of 1 subgroup)

Group management

One class (group) (min. 8, max. 24 pupils) is divided into two subgroups (with an equal distribution of number of pupils): “Creating group” & “Performing group”.

Safety is guaranteed as the instructor is also in the water of the swimming pool during the exercise.


30 to 40’ for the whole session, each subgroup being involved for 5’-10’ in their specific activity (~ creating and performing).

Part 2 consists of a joint discussion.


Being able to perform several tasks in calm water (~ indoor swimming pool): basic level of floating, submersion & swimming under water, treading water, rotating, etc.


The children work in two groups, where the creating group creates/simulates the outdoor elements, the performing group performs the aquatic skill(s).

Different aquatic skills (depending on goal / the level of the children) can be performed with at least one outdoor element:

(1) Waves

(2) Plants / seaweed / jellyfish / other fish

(3) Dark goggles / blindfold


Different combinations of these outdoor elements are possible (again, depending on goal / the level of the children), but at least one outdoor element is required.

After the performing group has performed one or more aquatic skills with one or more outdoor elements, there will be a change of groups / roles.

After the first part (creating and performing), a joint discussion about the children’s feelings / experiences is held (next to the swimming pool).

If you would like to take part in this international project to share experiences, please contact us: