
Jul 4, 2023 > Jul 7, 2023
Paris, France

ECSS 2023

Three speakers representing the ALFAC Consortium presented their research in the Invited Session “Swimming Education in Europe: State of Research towards aquatic literacy” at the 28th Congress of the European College of Sport Science.

The presented work served as fundamental research in support of forming the consortium that eventually collaborates in the EU project:

  • Prof. Aldo Costa from the University Beira Interior in Portugal
    Aldo is Associate Professor at the Department of Sport Science. He is President of the Portuguese Swimming Coaches Association (APTN) as well as Vice-President of the Portugal Coaches Confederation (CPAT). He represented LEN, the European Swimming League with the “LEN Learn to swim sub-commission report: ensuring a safe gateway to the aquatic world”.
  • Prof. Kristine De Martelaer from the Free University of Brussels in Belgium
    Kristine is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy. Her teaching and research are situated within sport pedagogy, currently addressing aquatic literacy, youth sport and play or quality physical education. The research group MOVE, led by her colleague Eva D’Hondt, is one of the partners of the EU project. Kristine talked about “Research approaches to understand the core dimensions of aquatic literacy”.
  • Dr. Ilka Staub from the German Sport University Cologne
    Ilka holds a full-time post-doc position at the Institute of Professional Sport Education and Sport Qualifications. Her main research interests lie within education and pedagogics of swimming, learn-to-swim and aquatic literacy. Earlier work addressed long-term athlete development from youth to elite sports. She also serves as president of a swimming club. Ilka presented “Pedagogical diagnostics in swimming: a need for comprehensive education”.