Feeling confident

By VUB, Kristine De Martelaer, Eva D’Hondt & Linde Van.Droogenbroeck

Teaching style:
Explorative (child centered)
Duration (min.):
Group size:
Small group (<10)
Task design:


I FEEL: I can express my fear and/or confidence depending on the specific situation: ‘shallow or deep water’, ‘under or above the surface’ & ‘alone or with peer(s)’ in different combinations.

Success criteria

Children are open and realistic about their previously acquired aquatic skills in different places in view to specific situations in a swimming pool.

The tool stimulates the children to think and talk about their own and other’s feelings.


On the bus, in the hall, in the changing room, … during a passive moment.

The picture/card in attachment (1 per group) is needed (printed out), including an arrow for turning.

Group management

The task is performed in pairs or small groups of 4 pupils during a passive moment.

No safety measures are required as this is a land-based task.


Per duo or by four: 5’ to 10’


Having some experiences in the water to realize which factors (including specific memories) are influencing the individual feeling of being (un)comfortable in the water.


Use the picture/card (= rotating wheel, consisting of 8 parts and an arrow for turning, to start the group discussion.

Each child takes his/her turn to let the arrow decide the part of the picture/card to talk about based on 8 specific (combined) situations in the swimming pool and corresponding experiences and feelings:

(1) Shallow water, under the surface, alone

(2) Shallow water, under the surface, with peer(s)

(3) Shallow water, above the surface, alone

(4) Shallow water, above the surface, with peer(s

(5) Deep water, under the surface, alone

(6) Deep water, under the surface, with peer(s)

(7) Deep water, above the surface, alone

(8) Deep water, above the surface, with peer(s)

When the organization of the lesson (~ transport time) allows it, specific experiences (of the lesson) can also be discussed on the way to the pool (or when returning to school).

If you would like to take part in this international project to share experiences, please contact us: project-alfac@univ-lille.fr