The Lille University has solid experience in sports management and international programmes. It is thus accustomed to receiving foreign students and to organizing as well as possible adapted training courses. The Faculty of Sports Science and its research laboratory has a great deal of experience in the training of swimming professionals and in research related to pedagogy. For more than 20 years, training and research in swimming have been carried out and has published a large number of scientific articles and pedagogical works. Every 4 years, a symposium entitled "Specialized Swimming Days" is organized and brings together researchers and practitioners.
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He is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Sport Science and Physical Education of the University of Lille. Swimmer, lifeguard and lifeguard instructor, he is currently conducting research related to the optimization of learning to swim as well as strategies developed to manage health in autonomous practitioners. Head of the training of physical education and sports teachers at the University of Lille, he supervises research work on the involvement of young people in physical activities and particularly in aquatic activities in his laboratory. He publishes scientific and pedagogical articles in national and international sports science journals.
He is a lecturer at the Faculty of Sport Science and Physical Education of the University of Lille. He is the head for the training of lifeguards and conducts research related to this profession. It publishes scientific articles and book chapters related to water rescue and the collaboration between the school and lifeguard worlds in the swimming school.
FNMNS federation has been a living force in the sports, teaching, entertainment and safety professions and has a duty to defend your interests. With no less than 15,000 members, we are the most representative professional organization at the national level.
He worked as a lifeguard at the Fessenheim swimming pool before it closed in 2014. He has been involved for many years in the FNMNS, and now holds a management position at the head of the national training center for the swimming professions, which has earned him a place on the list of experts appointed by the Ministry of Sports to work on the aquatic fluency plan initiated by Roxana Maracineanu.